Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Office of Geology - Energy

Use the search page to browse through the wells in our database.

  1. When Starting a Search, decide if you want the results to be filtered, this would only show results from a particular Collection.
  2. Next, choose the first field to organize the wells by. Then hit the Search button.
  3. The results will be a listing of available values for the field you choose in the previous step.
  4. You can continue the search by choosing a value and the next field to search on. Or you can end the search by hitting the "End Search" button.
When selecting a Collection.
  • You can only choose a collection at the beginning of the search.
  • Choosing "None" shows results for all our known wells, whether we have data for the well or not.
  • Choosing "All" shows only wells that have data from at least one of our collections.