Well Report
Available data may not be sufficient to properly display this well location. Check for scout ticket information or OGB's files for location plat.
| API | Operator | Lease Name | Well Number | Well Type |
1 | 23061003960000 | PETROCI USA INC. | I B ALEXANDER | 1 | Oil Production |
On-Line Documents
API | Report Type | Report SubType | Image | Page |
23061003960000 | Scout Cards | Dan Morgan | view | 1 |
23061003960000 | Scout Cards | MS Office of Geology | view | 1 |
| | | view | 2 |
| | | view | 3 |
23061003960000 | Scout Cards | Occidental Petroleum Corporation | view | 1 |
| | | view | 2 |
| | | view | 3 |
Cores and Cuttings Warehouse
| Type | File Number | Top | Bottom | Comment |
1 | Samples | 2602.0 | 14200 | 14700 | E-Log N/A |
2 | Samples | 2742.0 - .2 | 12300 | 14200 | E-Log N/A |