Environmental Geology Division

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The Environmental Geology Division conducts research in environmental and engineering geology and ground-water geology. Geologic and hydrologic data collection and field support for other divisions of the Office of Geology and other offices of the Department of Environmental Quality comprise the major effort of this division. This data collection and field support are accomplished with the division's drilling and coring equipment and geophysical well-logging equipment.
The Environmental Geology Division operates a truck-mounted drilling rig and support vehicles. The wireline coring system on the rig is capable of continuous coring to depths of 900 feet. Samples and cores from these test holes are added to the Office of Geology's extensive Core and Sample Library, which is housed at the North West Street location. This is the largest core and sample collection in the state.
In order to gather as much information as possible about our test holes, the division operates geophysical logging equipment capable of obtaining electrical resistivity, spontaneous potential, and natural gamma ray logs. In addition, water wells and engineering test holes (that would not be logged otherwise) are logged as personnel and equipment allow to collect invaluable geologic information from sites throughout the state. The logs are added to the Office of Geology's library of water well and test hole logs.
The staff of the Environmental Geology Division have expertise in the geotechnical or engineering properties of geologic units found in the state, as well as geologic hazards such as sinkholes, swelling clays or expansive soils, slope failures, landslides, flooding, and earthquakes.
Drilling and Coring

Core and Sample Library

Lab and Sample Services
