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Jones County 
FEMA DFIRM Funding Year:
Status: DFIRM Effective
You can access DFIRM data and maps at FEMA's Map Service Center (MSC)

  Adobe PDF File  County Index Map
  Adobe PDF File  Flood Insurance Study

Preliminary DFIRM Panels (35)
Choose a panel from list or click on map: 
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Note: Panel and map PDF files can be large, up to 75mb.
Meet and Greet : 7/28/2005  Adobe PDF File Download
Scoping Meeting : 9/8/2005  Adobe PDF File Download
Scoping Meeting Follow-Up : 11/14/2005  Adobe PDF File Download
Final Community Officials Meeting : 3/2/2009  Adobe PDF File Download
"Flood Map Open House" Meeting : 3/2/2009  Adobe PDF File Download

Events and Documents
Proposed Studies Scoping Map  Adobe PDF File Download
Preliminary DFIRM and FIS delivery : 1/30/2009
90 Day Community Appeal Start Date  : 6/12/2009
90 Day Community Appeal End Date : 9/10/2009
Letter of Final Determination Date : 3/29/2010
Study Effective Date : 9/29/2010

  County Seat: Laurel and Ellisville
  Formed: 1826
  Area: 700 square miles
  Population: 64,958
  Origin of County name: Named for John Paul Jones, Naval hero of the Revolutionary War.
Statistics from the:
Mississippi Official and Statistical Register
Mississippi Blue Book